The scheme most appropriate to you is determined by a number of things:
There are two Soteria Pension Schemes, both of which can be viewed on Hong Kong Pension registrar’s scheme register and operate under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (ORSO – Chapter 426, Laws on Hong Kong) all members of ORSO schemes are required to have an employment relationship with either the scheme sponsor or a participating employer.
To find out more about the Soteria Pension
Hong Kong is the world’s third largest financial services centre after London and New York. It has played a key role in helping China integrate with the global free market economy and today Hong Kong is a Special Administration Region (SAR) of China. However Hong Kong law is based on a British Common Law structure and its courts rigorously apply the Rule of Law. Hong Kong’s Trust Laws are amongst the most modern in the World.
Hong Kong is not a Tax Haven, it is well regulated and is engaged in promoting sound financial practices through its membership of global bodies. It contributes to the development of global pension standards through its chair of the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors Technical Committee.
In addition Hong Kong is listed as the freest economy in the world, with no Inheritance Tax and no Capital Gains Tax on pension growth, or Income Tax on pension distribution. It also has Double Taxation agreements, with 42 countries which makes it an extremely attractive and tax efficient place to grow and hold retirement funds
No Income Tax on Pension Distributions
No Capital
Gains Tax
No Inheritance
No Dividends
No Tax
on Interest
Common Law
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