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Have you bought a property in the United Kingdom
since April 2016?

Are you planning on buying a property in the UK?

Then our seminar is for you!

During the seminar, we will explain:

What Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is
What are the SDLT rates?
Are SDLT rates different for overseas UK property buyers?
Why is SDLT often being overpaid?
What can you do to check if you can get a legitimate refund?
How much refund can you expect to receive?
How much will the SDLT refund service cost you?

If you are new to Stamp Duty Land Tax or would like to get some information beforehand, please read all about it in our informative online resource.

Soteria Trusts is a brand of Business Class Group
Level 15/16, The Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3115 7617 | Fax: +852 3115 7630
E-mail: enquiries@soteriatrusts.com | www.soteriatrusts.com

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