Category: Estate Planning

Your asset protection specialist

£6.1 bn of Inheritance Tax collected by HMRC in 2021/22

Please be advised that the information in this article regarding QNUPS and IHT is no longer accurate due to the recent changes announced in the UK Budget. Starting in April 2025, the regulations will have significant implications that may affect your understanding of these topics. We encourage you to stay informed and consult with a…
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IHT Calculator

Calculate Your Inheritance Tax – IHT Calculator

Please be advised that the information in this article regarding QNUPS and IHT is no longer accurate due to the recent changes announced in the UK Budget. Starting in April 2025, the regulations will have significant implications that may affect your understanding of these topics. We encourage you to stay informed and consult with a…
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What exactly is an estate?

Please be advised that the information in this article regarding QNUPS and IHT is no longer accurate due to the recent changes announced in the UK Budget. Starting in April 2025, the regulations will have significant implications that may affect your understanding of these topics. We encourage you to stay informed and consult with a…
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Planning ahead to reduce inheritance tax

How to stay ahead in Inheritance Tax Planning?

Please be advised that the information in this article regarding QNUPS and IHT is no longer accurate due to the recent changes announced in the UK Budget. Starting in April 2025, the regulations will have significant implications that may affect your understanding of these topics. We encourage you to stay informed and consult with a…
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The Estate Planning process

Estate Planning is a long process consisting of many steps for it to be comprehensive and “bullet-proof”. What should such a process look like and when Estate Planning should be performed? Estate Planning mainly focuses on deciding how your estate, such as property, cars, investments, or personal items should be allocated after you die. However,…
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When is the right time to start Estate Planning?

Have you taken the time to consider what will happen to your assets and belongings after you pass away, or if you become incapacitated? This question is crucial to ask and address, despite not being pleasant to think about. With so many things in life being unknown, financial advisers recommend starting estate planning as early…
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Succession Planning: How to have the “Talk” with your family about it

The topic of Succession Planning often requires some careful consideration and balance. Most people have ideas about what they want for the next generations but don’t see why they should plan ahead. Procrastination and the influence of opinions from others are the two biggest reasons used as a reason not to address this sometimes difficult…
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