Category: UK IHT

Your asset protection specialist

IHT mistake

The biggest IHT mitigation mistake you can make

Out of the 22,100 estates that paid inheritance tax in 2018/19, over 6,000 of them paid inheritance tax on proceeds of life insurance policies that the deceased owned. The value of those life insurance policies came to a total of £709 million, which means more than £280 million of inheritance tax may have been paid…
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Inheritance Tax Threshold and Rates

UK Inheritance Tax Thresholds & Rates

Inheritance Tax (IHT) is a tax paid on the estate of a deceased person. It has to be paid by the inheritors before they can access the assets. More and more estates in the United Kingdom meet the inheritance tax (IHT) threshold of £325,000, mainly due to rising property prices in the country. This makes…
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Frozen tax allowances and its impact on expat investors

The Treasury needs more money to cover the additional costs of the coronavirus pandemic – and it is going to do it by… raising taxes and freezing current tax allowances. These changes, which cover a range of consumer and personal taxes, will undoubtedly impact local and expat investors and those saving for their retirement the…
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Taxes when selling property UK

Taxes when selling a property in the UK

Taxes associated with UK property ownership are plenty and can be quite complicated. Let’s take for example taxes you need to pay when you are selling your property in the UK. Do you need to pay any taxes, and if yes – which ones? There are two UK property taxes – capital gains tax and…
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Transferring property QNUPS

Transferring / Purchasing Residential Property in QNUPS Pension

If you are reading this, it probably means you already know what a QNUPS is. You may also know that its uniqueness lies in the ability to hold residential investment properties within the pension, where they will grow free of capital gains tax. However, transferring an existing property into, or purchasing a new property from…
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Selling property held in QNUPS

There are many advantages to putting an investment into QNUPS, one of which is to have the option to also transfer their investment property to the pension, but what happens once you’ve done that? Is it possible to easily sell the property, are there any restrictions, or do I have to wait until a certain…
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Tax considerations for Hong Kongers moving to the UK or buying UK property

Hong Kong citizens who are considering relocating or investing in the UK property market should ensure they have a thorough understanding of the UK tax system, and they should be proactive about tax planning prior to arrival or purchase. Those with a BNO visa, too, will be subject to the UK’s global tax system, which…
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UK Pension Mistakes to Avoid

British Expats: Avoid These Pension Mistakes

Many British expats seek guidance when planning a retirement strategy. They do this to avoid making costly UK pension mistakes that can seriously jeopardise their retirement fund. The planning becomes even more complicated when a British expat doesn’t intend to return to the UK, or if their earrings are exceptionally high. These different scenarios require…
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Pension and Inheritance Tax

Are all pensions inheritance tax free?

Most people know that private pensions are highly tax-efficient and are a useful way to save for retirement. Notwithstanding that, the inheritance tax advantages are as much, if not more attractive, given that your pension fund falls outside your estate for IHT purposes. That means pensions can be a great way to pass money on…
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What is QNUPS?

What is QNUPS?

The QNUPS legislation, also called “The Inheritance Tax (Qualifying Non-UK Pension Schemes) Regulations 2010”, is a set of rules that must be met and followed by Non-UK pensions schemes to put each members pension fund beyond the reach of UK inheritance tax (IHT). The schemes often operate from highly regulated and tax-efficient overseas jurisdictions where…
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