Category: UK IHT

Your asset protection specialist

Succession Planning: How to have the “Talk” with your family about it

The topic of Succession Planning often requires some careful consideration and balance. Most people have ideas about what they want for the next generations but don’t see why they should plan ahead. Procrastination and the influence of opinions from others are the two biggest reasons used as a reason not to address this sometimes difficult…
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Rules around UK Domicile vs Non-Domicile

The UK government has declared that HMRC will be looking very closely at British citizens who ostensibly live abroad. The case of Mr Gaines-Cooper unveiled the fact that HMRC is looking carefully at individuals to see where they have centred their life. In this case, Mr Gaines-Cooper purported to be living in Seychelles and visiting…
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Domicile in IHT Planning

Domicile and IHT Planning

Taxation rules around expatriates’ worldwide assets can sometimes be confusing. Being unaware of the tax implications of your domicile status, especially as a UK national and a foreign national with UK-sited assets, can cost you high tax rates. Not acting on that can lead to your family or beneficiaries suddenly having to pay large sums…
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Why are residence and domicile important?

Your tax residence status and domicile status affect the extent to which you are liable to tax. There is a difference between your country of domicile and your residence, especially if you are an expat. Many expats go through life not knowing what domicile is, or they assume that they are domiciled in the place…
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What Is The Best Thing To Do When You Inherit Money?

At first sight news about inheritance and a large amount of cash or, in fact, other assets, such as property or stocks, will bring sadness at the passing of a loved one, are often followed by joy for the beneficiary. If those assets are not appropriately managed, they will quickly diminish and become a burden…
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Do I have to pay inheritance tax on my parents’ house?

A short answer to the question “Do I have to pay inheritance tax on my parent’s property” is yes. You have to pay inheritance tax in the UK for your parent’s house, and families often question why they have to pay taxes on property and estate that is theirs. During a lifetime, one will pay…
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Inherit without paying tax in the UK

How much can you inherit without paying tax in the UK?

The rules around UK inheritance tax, who pays it, how much they pay and when it is paid, is an intricate and sometimes confusing subject. When your loved ones pass away, they intend that their accumulated wealth goes to you. The UK IHT regime is such that the estate of a deceased person is assessed…
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A Trust is a mechanism whereby one person (the ‘settlor’) may give away the enjoyment of assets to a group of individuals (the ‘beneficiaries’), while control and decisions on the administration and investment of those assets lie with others (the ‘Trustees’). The Settlor is the person who provides the assets of the trust. Unless he…
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