Soteria Flexi Builder - Savings & Investment Account

A Flexible Savings & Investment Account

Soteria Flexi Builder Account is a low-cost Discretionary Managed Trust and investment account in one that allows you to plan and save for life’s events on a regular basis or by ad hoc contributions. It operates off an easy to navigate yet sophisticated fund platform which provides access a large universe of funds, ETF’s and fixed income assets and a range of Trustee-approved Risk Graded Model Portfolios constructed by a UK & US regulated asset manager, Soteria Flexi Builder gives you the flexibility to access 80% of your investment without penalty as and when it’s needed.

Soteria Flexi Builder Account is a low-cost Discretionary Managed Trust and investment account in one

Soteria Flexi Builder Account Guide

Find more information on:

  • Building a financial plan for the future
  • Investment risk profiling
  • Benefits of using a Discretionary Managed Service (DMS)
  • Importance of investment diversification
  • Track record of the investment portfolios


Benefits of Soteria Flexi Builder Account

Subject to your country of residence, this account can provide tax freedom on capital growth and tax freedom to your beneficiaries on death. It is a truly International Account made available to individuals, partners and corporations, at the discretion of the Trustee.

Why choose the Soteria Flexi Builder Account?

  • Contributions can be made on a regular basis or by lump sum
  • You can increase or decrease contributions at any time
  • You can cease regular contributions at any time after a qualifying period
  • You can make additional lump sum contributions at any time
  • Savings terms of 5, 10 and 15 years
  • No regulatory restrictions on contributions
  • The Trust arrangement avoids the time and expense of probate following death

You have a choice of twelve risk graded Model Portfolios in GBP & US$

The account was designed with simplicity, flexibility and liquidity in mind, allowing you to select from twelve Trustee approved managed investment strategies. The twelve portfolios are continuously managed in compliance with a range of pre-agreed risk mandates and measured against a relative benchmark. Each portfolio is made up of low cost, highly liquid assets which makes them nimble and versatile when it comes to switching.

Contact us to view the Soteria’s
Flexi Builder Focus Portfolios


We at Soteria acknowledge that personal circumstances can often change which is why the account allows access of up to 80%* of its value without penalty. All of these benefits come with the added security and peace of mind that a Hong Kong regulated Trustee, working in conjunction with a proven UK & US regulated Investment Manager, brings to account holders.

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