Trusts are commonly used for minimising taxes and can offer other benefits, as part of a carefully designed estate plan.
A Trust is a legal mechanism aimed to protect one’s assets by allowing a third party, a Trustee, to hold and direct assets in trust on behalf of named beneficiaries. You, as a Settlor or Trustor, can also be a Beneficiary of the trust fund you set up.
Find out more about what is a trust.
The main purpose of setting up a Trust is to ensure that assets are distributed according to your wishes as a settlor, protecting your assets from potential lawsuits and creditors, and, in some cases, reducing inheritance or estate taxes.
Throughout history, trusts have been used for a wide range of purposes, the most common being:
It has been said that for every family problem or situation, there is a trust that can be constructed to suit the need. Creating the right type of trust to match your particular situation requires specialist help. A trust that might last forever needs careful planning, but the benefits can last just as long if you take specialist advice beforehand.
Soteria Trusts provides a range of trust and fiduciary services to help clients manage, grow, and protect their wealth within their lifetime and create a tax-efficient legacy for their beneficiaries. Most of Soteria’s trusts are domiciled in Hong Kong and operate under the domestic Trust legislation (CAP 29).
Each Soteria Trusts offering has an independent Administrator appointed to ensure the scheme works in line with its Deed and Rules. The Administrator is also the registered Trustee who first approves and then acts as Custodian of all assets held within the accounts.
A Discretionary Trust which protects assets from creditors, offers members open architecture, contribution flexibility and penalty-free access from day one
Master Trust arrangement to manage your investments in a tax-efficient matter
Securely hold your Business Relief qualifying assets.
Substitute currency for investment in overseas assets
While some Trust Accounts offered by Soteria, such as Soteria Flexi Builder, or Soteria Alternatives as well as Soteria Retirement Plans are aimed at ease of investment and savings, The Soteria Plan in Guernsey and Soteria Business Relief Account were built with Estate Planning for UK asset owners in mind.
These Soteria Trusts accounts have the ability to reduce the UK IHT tax on your estate. This can be achieved with careful planning and a more in-person explanation of how each of the services can be used to your advantage. For more information, please contact us using the form below.
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